UNIFIED Beach Volleyball

Join us this summer for Beach Volleyball at Clintonwood Park (Clarkston, MI). Each day will consist of 1 hour of beach specific training followed by 1 hour of playing. Our beach program is a great addition to our indoor training programs and aides athletes in continuing to develop their indoor skills as well as increasing their strength, balance and agility.
For this program, it is helpful if you sign up with a partner. If you need help finding a partner, please email rick@unifiedvolleyball.com with your age and experience and we will help place you with someone of equal ability.
We recommend athletes to bring sunglasses or a hat, sunscreen and to dress appropriately for cool or hot weather.
Session 2
When: July 2nd - August 6th, 2024 (Tuesday Nights).
Ages: 13-18u.
Time: 6-8PM
Cost: $200/athlete. Includes a Unified Volleyball Beach T-Shirt.